Join me on November 15, 2022, in Seattle, WA as I present a full-day presentation on Azure Infrastructure. This session will focus on everything that you need to know about how Microsoft Azure works in general and how Azure can be used to best run your SQL Server workloads.

In this session, we will review all the various infrastructure components that make up the Microsoft Azure platform. When it comes to moving SQL Server systems into the Azure platform having a solid understanding of the Azure infrastructure will make migrations successful and make support solutions much easier.
Designing your Azure infrastructure properly from the beginning is extremely important. An improperly designed and configured infrastructure will provide performance problems, and manageability problems, and can be difficult to resolve without downtime.
As Azure scales out around the world many more companies, no matter where they are located will begin by moving services from data centers into the Azure and a solid foundation is a key to successful migrations.
Registering for the PASS Data Community Summit 2022 and a pre-con couldn’t be easier. Simply visit the signup page, register, and select the pre-con that you want to attend (hopefully mine, although there are several great pre-cons on the list this year).
If you are thinking of attending the summit this year, the currently discounted pricing will end shortly, so get registered today.