As you know, I spoke to 12 Chapter Leaders and 4 Regional Mentors yesterday. All are very upset with PASS right now and feel slighted, which as a volunteer myself, I empathize. I have given the feedback, to you.

After talking with them here is where the problem lies IMHO: communication and transparency. We received an email taking away our token of appreciation PASS gives us for all our yearlong hard work that helps to build and amplify this community. In the email we also were asked to please promote and encourage Summit registrations among other things. You cannot take something away and then turn around and ask the leaders for more. It is like cutting off our feet and asking us to run. Of course, there will be backlash, such as leaders considering removing their groups from the PASS umbrellas altogether. Believe me when I say it is not about the money, it’s about the principle.

So how to you fix it?
Communication and transparency. I am talking REAL communication, no more political answers. We, as volunteers and leaders, support PASS and we want it to succeed, but we really need to know the truth. Many comments I hear are in regard to the financials and the perception that it’s C&C, a for profit company that is running the show and using the board\community as puppets to further their agenda. This is further amplified especially since the owner of C&C’s has an executive seat on the BoD. (don’t shoot the messenger, me). It is this perception that needs fixed, until it does the community will continue to be disgruntled and unsupportive.

There is a feeling the community is being swindled for lack of a better word and the community aspect of PASS is lost to a for profit company. I challenge the board and leaders to change this through better communication and transparency. Tell us the numbers, show us a revised budget and yearly cost per member, and/or(?) cost per summit registration. The more we know the more we will help. Do you have a must have break even number of registrants you need, how many do you have now? Tell us, we will help you get there.

We really want PASS to succeed and be there in the future. I urge you to try to fix this.

Perception is key. I am an ally and one of your strongest supporters, I get it believe me. Which is the only reason I have reached out the last few days. I am sincerely hope that has been conveyed.


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