Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue and a Confio umbrella

Since I didn’t make it to the SQL PASS keynotes this morning, I figured that I’d tell you about another little event that happened late last night.  Last night there was a SQL PASS first.  There was a wedding here at the PASS summit.  Tamera Clark (blog | @tameraclark) and Terry Tyler (blog | @airbornegeek) who are both DBAs, and first time attendees decided a while back that if they both were able to come to the SQL PASS summit that they would get married at the SQL PASS summit.  This wasn’t exactly a rash decision on their part as they’ve been living together for many years. Conveniently enough I’m a registered minister and they asked me to perform the ceremony.

The wedding was very short and was held down by the water over looking Waterfront Park here in Seattle, WA just a short walk from the Washington State Convention Center and all our hotels.  Microsoft sponsored the rehearsal dinner (there was a Microsoft sponsored Tweet Up that everyone in the wedding party went to) before hand.  Confio was kind enough to provide the “bouquet” (it was a Confio umbrella that was given out to first timers, so it was new, borrowed as well as blue).  And PASS was kind enough to sponsor the wedding reception (the annual PASS party over at Game Works) which the happy couple and several of the wedding guests went to.

I’ve got to say, this was definitely a first for the SQL PASS summit and for me and I’m so glad that they offered to let me be a part of their wedding.  Pat Wright was kind enough to take some pictures before, during and after the wedding ceremony which either he or Tamara and Terry will be posting online somewhere when they get a chance.  Please join me in congratulating the happy couple either here, on their blogs somewhere or on Twitter.

Hopefully next year the SQL PASS summit can be just as awesome as this years was (really is as it isn’t over yet).  It sure as hell will be hard to beat this year.



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