Standalone SQL Agent Phase 1 Beta 2 Released

This afternoon I’m pleased to say that I’ve released the Phase 1 Beta 2 build of the Standalone SQL Agent.

As before this is the back end only, there is still no UI for editing jobs.  That will be coming in a later phase of the project.  There are several enhancements to the engine in this release including corrections to the scheduler so that jobs will be run on SQL Agent startup, as well as the ability for a job to be scheduled by more than one job.  Currently only 1000 jobs per schedule are allowed, if that every becomes an issue I’ll work on increasing it.  I’ve got an idea that should correct that, maybe that will make its way into the Phase 1 Stable release.

As before this release has been released via the CodePlex website.

As we all know, feedback is the key to a successful testing process, so if you find any issues please let me know.

As before this is a debug release and will output way more information to the errorlog file then the final version will.



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